- CP 110
We are currently searching manufacturers of (consumable) plastics Healthcare products active in Medtech, Diagnostics, Pharma and Dental with sales of above 6 million $.
CP 121
We search companies from the tool making industry in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Eastern Europe and Italy with sales between 5 und 40 million €.
CP 125
For a Holding company funded by private investors we are seeking long term equity participations in midsized companies. The company should generate between 4 and 20 Mill. € in sales and should be well positioned in its market niche.
- CP 126
For a Private Equity company we are seeking equity position in strong growth businesses from the Medtech, Plastics of other material businesses e,g, GFK/CFK, automotive suppliers, machine and plant building as well as companies servicing these industries. The target company should generate above 5 million € in sales. Typical time to exit is between 5 and 7 years.
- CP 127
Manager looks for buy in (MBI) into midsized company preferably in Northern Germany.
CP 128
Family with entrepreneurial background seeks qualified shareholding (>25%) in German midsized companies in traditional business segments. The ideal size should be between 20 and 100 million € in sales.
CP 129
Midsized toolmaker from the plastics industry looks for a suitable buyer as a succession plan. The current owner and manager is ready to stay on for some time to enable a smooth transition.
- CP 130
For a holding company we are seeking majority participations in midsized companies in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. The companies will be held in the portfolio for long term with no exit plans. They should have a market leading position in a stable market.